Nootropics For Students

Nootropics are brain boosting supplements or drugs that enhance focus, memory and overall brain function. There are two routes that students can take to get the benefits of these brain boosters – natural and synthetic.

1. Natural Brain-Boosting Supplements

Most students use natural, stimulating brain boosting supplements even though they are unaware that they are doing so. Caffeine and sugar are the most common brain boosters and provide an increased focus for a short period of time. So simply drinking a cup of coffee or tea while studying can enhance brain function.

Other natural supplements include the following ingredients that have brain-boosting properties:

  • Huperzine A, extracted from the Chinese club moss plant, has proven results in improving memory in Alzheimer and senile dementia patients and is therefore included in many brain boosting supplements to enhance memory retention.
  • Bacopa Monnieri, extracted from the Brahmi plant, has also shown effective results in the treatment of Alzheimer’s patients and has the added benefit of reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Ginkgo Biloba has many health benefits including reducing anxiety and improving cognitive function.
  • L-theanine is believed to have the same stimulating effects as caffeine without the side effects. Studies have shown increased attention span and cognitive function in subjects who were given the supplement.

There are many other natural ingredients that may also have brain-boosting properties such as Lion’s Mane, Artichoke Extract, Vitamin B’s, etc. that may be included in natural supplements. However, it is extremely important to pay attention to the concentration of the ingredients in a supplement. Small dosages may not deliver effective results.

2. Synthetic Smart Drugs

There are a variety of synthetic smart drugs that are unfortunately only available through a prescription from a medical practitioner or doctor. It is not recommended to take these drugs without consulting a doctor as they do have side effects that can have short and long-term health consequences, especially when taken in the incorrect dosages.

  • ADHD medications such as Ritalin and Adderal improve focus and concentration and are therefore commonly misused by students while studying.
  • Piracetam is generally prescribed to prevent cognitive decline for Alzheimer’s and other similar conditions. There is some evidence to suggest that this racetam class of drugs may also improve cognitive function.
  • Modafinil provides stimulating effects much like caffeine but over a longer period of time and improves focus and concentration. The drug is generally prescribed for shift workers who struggle to stay awake at night.
  • Anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications are widely used by students to assist them during stressful periods such as exam time.

While it is possible to find a doctor who prescribes one of these drugs purely to enhance cognitive function, they will only do so for short periods of time and in safe dosages. This is because research into the use of medications as smart drugs is still underway and controversial.

It is important to note that nootropics do not make you more intelligent but simply enhance or improve memory, concentration, focus and other cognitive functions.

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